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I am serving in Japan as a missionary for 6 months. God has provided the way and the funds for me to go and now it is time to GO TELL! Follow my journey through this blog and learn how God is using HIS servant in Japan!

Friday, January 2, 2009


So I leave for training in less than 48 hours. Actually, I will be at training in less than 48 hours. I am getting very excited about it. I have been really anxious and nervous, but I am past that point. I am just ready to get there and get it started. I know very little about the training, but I do know at one point I have to give my testimony in front of everyone so I hope that goes well. I also know that there will be some tests (not sure what that means in the end, like if you have to pass to continue) so I hope that I am able to do well on them. I excited, I just hope that it also goes smoothly, especially the flight, and I return safely.

In the last few weeks, probably because of the approach of the new year, I have really been thinking about what the next year means for me. In one year I will have a B.S. in Criminology and Sociology and I will have spent six months in Japan (I should be back a year from now). What an amazing this year is going to be! I will miss so many things, mainly family time, but I will be a better person (hopefully) at then of 2009 than at the beginning. This is going to be a year of change. I hope that I know what to do after it is all over. I know what I would love to do, but God will have to open the doors for it to happen and I know if it is His will for my life, He will.

So as this is the new year I have made a new year's resolution and I am going to tell all of you so that maybe you can hold me accountable! I am going to try to wean myself off of soda. I drink diet soda (doesn't matter what kind) like it is going out of business! I would say that I am addicted and if it where alcohol I would be in AA! It would save me so much money and since I will be in a place where it may not be available every second I don't want to have to wean myself then. I want to be able to focus on my mission, not on when can I have a diet coke. Also, do you know how bad that stuff is for you! It may not have calories, but it is killing my brain! I would like to be able to remember what I did five minutes ago when I am 35! So that is it. I am going to slowly stop drinking diet soda. I will let you know how it is going. Today I have had one, which is almost perfect compared to four or five I normally would have had!

Well I will stop rambling on! I will post when I am in Michigan!

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Amanda!:) How exciting! Just take it all in, and enjoy it. We'll keep you in our prayers.
