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I am serving in Japan as a missionary for 6 months. God has provided the way and the funds for me to go and now it is time to GO TELL! Follow my journey through this blog and learn how God is using HIS servant in Japan!

Monday, February 9, 2009

CSI: Springfield

The pictures above are: Dumpster - The Crime Scene, Wallet - The Offender, Hand - The Accomplice, and Me - The VICTIM! When you add this up you get a mess! So there I was, an unsuspecting citizen, when I had to do something I NEVER though I would do - dumpster dive! I was going about my normal busy day and was taking out the trash. Sounds like a no brainer, right?! No, not for Amanda! When I threw the trash into the dumpster, I also threw my wallet in! I then had to proceed to jump into the dumpster (which was empty except for a little trash, a dead animal, and a lot of yuck!) to retrieve my wallet. Then, I had to use ALL of my strength to lift myself out of the pit of grossness. So, moral of the story - don' throw away the trash! :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh gross!!! Hey, what kind of animal was it? Maybe you could have grilled out.....JK!!!! LOL Gross!
