The pictures above are: Dumpster - The Crime Scene, Wallet - The Offender, Hand - The Accomplice, and Me - The VICTIM! When you add this up you get a mess! So there I was, an unsuspecting citizen, when I had to do something I NEVER though I would do - dumpster dive! I was going about my normal busy day and was taking out the trash. Sounds like a no brainer, right?! No, not for Amanda! When I threw the trash into the dumpster, I also threw my wallet in! I then had to proceed to jump into the dumpster (which was empty except for a little trash, a dead animal, and a lot of yuck!) to retrieve my wallet. Then, I had to use ALL of my strength to lift myself out of the pit of grossness. So, moral of the story - don' throw away the trash! :)
Spiritual Battle
8 years ago
Oh gross!!! Hey, what kind of animal was it? Maybe you could have grilled out.....JK!!!! LOL Gross!