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I am serving in Japan as a missionary for 6 months. God has provided the way and the funds for me to go and now it is time to GO TELL! Follow my journey through this blog and learn how God is using HIS servant in Japan!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Shinto Festival

This weekend marks a holiday in Japan and it is very visible all across the city. Monday (July 20th) is the Day of the Sea where the Japanese celebrate the god of the Sea. All around the city there are stings of lightening bolts. These bolts are the symbol for Shinto much like a cross is for Christianity. They usually are seen in groups of four and households or businesses put them out for the festival. They look much like this:

The couple, the Ichimuras, I am staying with are both very excited about the festival and will be joining in on the festivities. I will be at a church retreat and then heading to camp so I will not be able to observe. Please pray for Japan on Monday as the celebrate a god they believe gives them things from the sea. Today we visited the beach where much of the festivities are going to take place and prayed upon that place. I am continue to pray for Ichimura San as she puts of bowl of rice on the alter each night. Please join me! Here is a picture of us at the sea to give you a face to put with the name.

Thank you for all your love and support and remember the Japanese this weekend as they are serving a god that protects them from the truth not protects them from evil.

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